We make every effort to deliver a high-quality
service to our policyholders. If you have a
complaint about our service, or about a claim,
we operate a swift and effective complaints
handling procedure.
1. Your complaint can be made orally or in writing,
and on your behalf by a third party.
2. If you wish to make a complaint you should contact:
3. Our Compliance Officer will acknowledge the
complaint. We aim to resolve your
concerns in three working days but if we are unable
to do so we will confirm to you that
we have received your complaint within five working
days and advise you of the person
who will be dealing with the complaint, and when you
can expect to receive a detailed
response. The person dealing with the complaint will
be a senior member of staff who
was not directly involved in the matter which is the
subject of the complaint. They will
have the authority and experience to adequately address
the complaint and explain the
results of the investigation.
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