Strategic asset allocation optimisation for an insurer & use of alternatives in asset
Lucas Weatherill, Chief Investment Strategist for Asia and the Middle East
October 25, 2007
The idea of a Balanced Portfolio is confusing
50% Equities and 50% Bonds…
…does not mean half the return comes from each…
…and nothing like half the risk
What drives the diversification benefit?
Correlation between US Equities and US Bonds
Markets do not provide the same upside as downside…
…so we can’t model them as Normal
The Breadth of Alternatives is huge
The Problem with “Diversification”
Do you actually get any benefits when you need them?
August 1998
Global Equities fell 14%
What performance did we see from Diversifying assets?
CSFB Tremont Hedge Fund index -7.9%
Global REITs -11.2%
Gold -4.8%
US High Yield -5.2%
CRB Commodities -6.3%
US Bonds +1.6% - The only positive returning asset class
The Problem with “Diversification”
Do you actually get any benefits when you need them?
September 2001
Global Equities fell 9%
What performance did we see from Diversifying assets?
CSFB Tremont Hedge Fund index -0.8%
Global REITs -11.0%
Gold +7.1% - The best returning asset class
US High Yield -7.2%
CRB Commodities -8.8%
US Bonds +1.2%
The Problem with “Diversification”
Do you actually get any benefits when you need them?
July - August 2007
Global Equities fell 2%
What performance did we see from Diversifying assets?
CSFB Tremont Hedge Fund index -1.5%
Global REITs -2.4%
Gold +3.4% - Again the best performing asset class
US High Yield -2.1%
CRB Commodities -2.4%
US Bonds +2.1%
Strategic Asset Allocation – Assets and Liabilities
The process forces an understanding of the problems
Optimise alpha and beta exposure
Determine Client
Tactically adjust portfolio mix
Monitor and Control
Set Assumptions
5-7 year horizon
Expected Returns and Risk
Risk Tolerance
Return Requirements
Monte Carlo based optimisation process
Genetic Algorithm engine
Alpha and beta separation
12-18 month time horizon
Value based process
Strong focus on risk management
Daily portfolio monitoring
Regular external (compliance team) supervision
Assumptions are Everything
Asian Equities expected return of about 7.5% per annum (in USD)
The sustainable dividend yield is roughly 3%
GDP per capita growth of about 2-3% is an upper bound for real earnings growth
Inflation will remain in the 1-2% band
A slight re-rating to see Asia trade at developed market multiples
Global Equities expected return of about 5-6% per annum (in USD)
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