Insuring Clause
Whereas the Insured crrying on the Business by a Proposal
and Declaration which shall be the basis of this contract and
is deemed to be incorporated herein has applied to the
Company for the insurance herein contained and has paid or
agreed to pay the Premium speeified herein as consideration
for such insurunce.
Now this Policy witncsseth that if any employee in the
Insured's immediate servioe shall sustain bodily injury or
death by Accident ocuring or Disease contracted during
the Period of Insurance within the Geographical Area and
arising out of and in the course of his employment by the
Insured in the Business.
The Company will subject to Policy Limit of Indemnity and
to the terms, exceptions and conditions contained in or
endorsed on this Policy (all of which are hereinafter
collectively referred to as "the Terms of this Poliey")
indermmify the Insured against his legal lability in respect of
such bodily injury or death under the Ordinance and
independently of the Ordinance to pay compensation and
damiges and claimant's 008t8 and expenses and alsc
indermmify the Insured against costs and expenses incurred by
or on behalf of the Insurced with the Company's writen
consent in connection therewith.
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